Saturday, August 9, 2008

RIP Oliver

Well, we said goodbye to our friend Oliver yesterday. Drew ran in the house yesterday yelling my name. His voice didn't sound normal. I ran outside, yelling to the girls to stay in the house. Oliver was laying in the driveway, and he was not moving. Oliver was an outside cat. We always made sure when we pulled out or drove in to the driveway, to look for him. But how much can you really watch a cat? They're so unpredictable! Drew apparently pulled into the garage and we think Oliver jumped in front of the car. After placing Oliver in a his box, we called the girls outside to conduct the funeral. The first thing E said was, "can we go get a new cat?" O cried a tiny bit, but didn't seem overly upset. I think Drew and I were the most upset. It's so hard to find a good pet, and Oliver was a good one! Plus, if I have to admit it, thinking econmically, that cat was worth around $250, with the neutering, shots, and flea medicine. Though he was a worthy investment, it stinks to have it all disappear in one second! After each saying what our favorite things were about Oliver, (fiesty, loving, licking our faces, cuddling with us), O closed us out with a prayer. It went something like, "God, thank you for giving us Oliver. I hope he's alright. We will miss him. Help us find another cat as good as Oliver." We will miss you, Oliver, and are so glad you were our special, very first, pet.


Heather said...

I am so sorry about Oliver. :(