Monday, September 15, 2008


Mon, Sept. 15 @ - 11:30am

There are exactly 98 rescue shelters in Ukraine. We visited and performed our program at the one in Kirovograd this afternoon. The rescue shelters are temporary places for the kids until their future is determined. The kids arrive at the shelters in one of three ways - from the police, social services, or the kids bring themselves in. Kids ranged in ages from 3 to 18. There were about a total of 40 kids at this shelter today. The number changes daily as they are brought in and shipped out. The Church at Brookhills was here early this year and ran a week long camp for the kids. An impact was made as they were still talking about it. After we did our program they sang us a song. We then created a line the kids had to go through before they left and this is when we showered them with hugs, hand shakes, high-fives, etc. There was a lot of smiling and laughing. The director did comment on how he is seeing the use of foster homes pick-up. We were given a tour of the facility before leaving. The facility has gotten better support recently. Supposedly the wife of the current president has an interest in helping the orphanages while previous leadership hasn't. We again had another opportunity to interact with the kids but within their age groups. We are in a new hotel tonight and will be here until we leave for Kiev on Fri AM. Food was good tonight. Had chocolate ice-cream for dessert. We are scheduled for two stops tomorrow. The first will be an older boys only orphanage with about 20 teenage boys and the afternoon will be a handicap orphanage with about 170.

Good Night,

- Drew