Tuesday, November 11, 2008

E can ride a bike!

Drew's worked with E for months on riding her bike without training wheels. She just wouldn't commit. She'd stop pedaling, or not watch where she was going, but we kept feeling like she could do it if she really wanted to.

We were correct. She's so much like me in many ways, and one of those ways is that she is really motivated by others. So, when her best friend Sage learned to ride, E was READY. She learned that very day.

I'm proud to say, I'm the one who taught her in the end. Which makes me feel good, since Daddy usually gets that privilege. Right now, he taught O, and I taught E. We'll have to see who gets to M first. I'm planning on working on it with her this afternoon. Ha.


Bethany Edgeworth said...

That is great! I especially love her victory dance at the end! Too cute!

Troye said...

So precious!!!!!! Congrats, E!
And, okay, I have to admit that I have to agree with Nikki after all these years- not that I don't usually agree with her- but, that could have been me running behind that bike (the outfit, the hair). We are A LOT alike. :) That is a great compliment to me. Sorry Jenn?

The Love's said...

Of course it's a compliment to me, Troye!
However, I hope that you don't run like me. Check me out on the video. I have horrible form!

Carley said...

that is awesome. what a great video!!!