Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Holly, (well, mostly) Jolly, Christmas

Well, how do you post a span of almost a month on 1 post? It's a daunting task, and one I've tried to avoid. Obviously. So, I'm just dumping it all out here, condensed, and going backwards in time. It's just easy that way. Don't hate.

If I didn't have this blog for my kids to see one day that they HAD a Christmas in 2008, I probably wouldn't even go to this trouble! So, here it goes, BACKWARDS.

Little Buddy Love, our new terrier mutt, fresh from the humane society, passed away Sunday night. After days of obvious symptoms of canine distemper, we came home from Dallas to an extremely sick puppy. Drew took him the vet and had him put to sleep. As E put it so well, "He's in heaven, now. He's not sick anymore, and he's running and playing again! And he doesn't even have boo-boo's now!"
So thankful to God the girls could learn the lesson of loss through this. Although it was hard, God is refining them through this to prepare them for the life/death experience. We had great conversations through this experience, and I wouldn't change it for a thing. The vet gave us permission to get a new dog in 6 months(b/c the virus can last in our house) so stay tuned for a new summer dog!

Woo-hoo!GOOOOOO REBELLLLLSSS!!!! While Drew's parents so sweetly kept our kids, my sister, brother in law, Drew and I headed to Dallas for the Cotton Bowl. It was one of the most fun games I've ever attended, and besides waving my pom-pom and singing Dixie more times than I can count (or would admit!), I laughed until my stomach hurt.
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