Monday, June 8, 2009

First beach trip of 2009

One week after school let out, we were able to head to the beach for the week. I love going in May, the weather is just perfect! We had a great time, and spent more time at the beach this time than the pool. Just posting some pictures to show how big my girls are! Continue reading below for our little "adventure."

If you're looking at this picture and wondering...."What tha heck?" well, no, your eyes aren't fooling you. This is not a picture of one of my children, thank goodness. But he was a part of our family for a short time, and we will always remember him! This is our mouse, "Speedy." After seeing some droppings in the garage, we called the exterminator, who informed us that this was no ordinary mouse. This was an Alabama Beach Mouse. Who is on the endangered list. Whom we can't kill. We were instructed to find the nest, chase the mouse out, and discard the nest. Which we did! Is this not the biggest mouse you've ever seen!? It had to be 10 inches long, not counting the tail! It's googly eyes made me sad, and I was glad that we didn't kill it. It almost looked like a guinea pig. Anyway, we all sat up on the golf cart in the garage while Drew chased the thing out. We'd like to think he's in a better home now, but, sadly, he's probably like "Fievel" on "An American Tail." He's just looking for a home, and for somebody to love. Sigh.
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