I can't express how great it was to visit with my Mamaw today. She and my great-aunt Laura May live 30 minutes away, but I visit with them like I still live 3 hours away. It greatly shames me that I visit with them so little. My Mamaw is my dad's mother, and she has 3 children, 9 grandchildren, and 18 great-grandchildren. When you throw in all of the spouses, it's a whole-lotta family going on. The coolest thing is, we still all try to get together twice a year. I don't think you'd believe the craziness that goes on at these family gatherings unless you are a part of them, but let's just say, it's never boring, and the volume level of the room we're in is at a dangerous decibel because of all of the loud-talkers and laughing. It's no wonder Laura May can't hear anymore....
Anyway, I love my Mamaw. She is one of the most entertaining people to be around, because of her strong opinion. She's an out-of-control worrier, ("Jennifer, you're not letting your girls run around barefoot in the grass, are you? You know you're not supposed to go barefoot outside until May. Your kids are liable to get sick!") And she's not afraid to speak her mind. She once chastised a teen Chik-fil-et employee in front of me so badly, I was afraid the poor kid was going to go into the fetal position, sucking his thumb and all. I know my mom and my aunts have it the toughest as daughters and daughter's in law, but I just enjoy hanging with Mamaw, and hearing her ideas and stories. It's a blessing to be her grandaughter. Deep down, she just loves her family and feels so blessed to have us all in her life. And she is so dad-gum funny.
Listening to Mamaw and Laura May today reminded me of how we younger people have so much to learn from our elders. Their ideas may seem antiquated ("Jennifer, I'm not saying people have to be dressed up to go to church, I'm saying they just need to be neat and clean, and present their best. Why, I don't mind if somebody comes to our church in overalls, so long as they're clean! But, I tell you what, these young people who wear shorts to church, well, I just don't think that's right at all!") However, my Mamaw and Laura May have walked some long roads, and many of those roads have been bumpy. I can't even fathom what it took for Mamaw to nurse my Papaw in their home with advanced Alzheimers until the day he died. That takes a dedication and courage that I can't imagine having in me right now.
I truly believe that, as the Bible says, we are blessed or cursed by our forefathers. I'm so thankful to say that I've been blessed by those in my family who are from other generations. My Papaw, my Grandaddy, and my Grandmother, are blessing me with the prayers of all the saints in heaven, and my Mamaw and Laura May, are blessing me with their presence and wisdom. Thank you, God, for using your faithful servants to light the way for me.