Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ashley's Wedding Rehearsal and Dinner

I was so proud of my girls last weekend. Our babysitter and family friend Ashley got married in Birmingham last weekend. I was a little stressed when she asked ALL THREE GIRLS ( M? Really? I mean, she's only 2! Are you sure, Ashley?) But, I have to admit, I had always dreamed of the day that they would be flower girls. I actually never thought it would happen. But be careful what you wish for. It would have been nice to have them in 3 different weddings at 3 different times! Oh, well, who cares? It's over, and guess what? It went off without a hitch! (well, almost!)

Here are the girls at the rehearsal dinner.
Ashley and the girls after a few cupcakes!
Rehearsal dinner was a Vulcan-here we are waiting on the elevator to take us up!
And here is a goofy shot of me. I am terrified of heights. My girls must take after me, because they didn't want to stay up there more than about 2 minutes. I was thankful!
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Carley said...

i love these pics!!!! that one of you is hilarious.