Tuesday, August 4, 2009

O's Happy 8th Birthday

A couple of weeks ago, My oldest girl O turned 8. She started off the day with margaritas and pancakes. Kidding, kidding. It's a 7-up float! In our family, when it's your birthday, you get to choose whatever the heck you want to eat for breakfast. And my girls always choose this particular breakfast. I just served it in the glass to make it festive, alright?
2 days later, she had her party. We had an art party in the backyard.
The girls had several art stations. A hat decorating station, a bubble painting station, a shaving cream marble paint station, and a canvas painting station. You can see the looks of concentrations on these faces. These girls were serious.
However, as luck would have it, the sky opened up and poured rain in the middle of the party. So we had 16 girls in our mess of a garage, plus 4 grandparents, an aunt, and the random adult who appeared here and there. It was mighty crowded!
As usual, though, what's chaotic for adults, is usually super fun for the kids. This photo is evidence of the chaos AND the fun. That's what it's all about at our house! So happy birthday (late!) to my biggest girl. You are so precious to me.
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Kelly said...

She's 8!!!! I still remember ya'll, the Stokes and us having dinner or something at my house and you telling us that you were pregnant. That cannot be over 8 years ago!!

Heather said...

That looks like fun. You are so creative!!