Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Morning 2009

At 6:30 this morning, the girls piled into our beds yelling, "can we go look in our Easter baskets? Please, please, pleaaaaase??" I told them for goodness' sake, it's not Christmas morning or anything! But we finally dragged ourselves out of bed and checked out the loot the Easter bunny left. I don't think it was as spectacular as they'd imagined, but give me a break, it all has to fit into one little basket! And I WILL NOT go overboard on Easter. It's ridiculous.
Because our church doesn't start very early, we had some great time decorating cookies and taking pictures. Then later this afternoon, my Mom, Dad, Mamaw and aunt Laura May came over after church, and my sister's family joined us later tonight for an Easter dinner. It was the perfect Easter day. I got to worship at my church, then spend time with my family who I love so much. Once again, visiting with my Mamaw and Great Aunt humbled me, and the day was full of more funny stories. The newest story is when my aunt Laura May claimed that my Mamaw told her that she needed to be dunked before she died, just in case. My aunt is Methodist, and was obviously sprinkled. A minor argument ensued over the issue, and my Mamaw SWEARS she never said that, because "she would never say that, because that would make her a Church of Christ. And she's not a Church of Christ. And she would NEVER say that."
Anyway, hilariousness abounded, and good times were had.
I have to tell this, my aunt is 91 and doesn't feel like she'll live much longer. I had the opportunity to ask her if she was afraid to die. She told me, "Jennifer, sometimes I'm in so much pain that I feel like asking the Lord to take me. Because I'm ready. But the Lord must need me here, so I can't ask Him to take me yet. He'll take me when it's His time. But I'm not afraid, I know where I'm going. And I'm ready."
Hallelujah! Preach it Laura Mae! And what a perfect statement for Easter...Jesus hung on that cross and took on our sins. And now He's alive! And when we give him our lives, and follow Him, we don't have to be afraid. I know where I'm going!

My Mamaw boiled and dyed Easter eggs for the girls. She even brought stickers to put on them. They loved it.
Cousins lined up, waiting for Easter loot from Mimi
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The Flynn Five said...

Happy Easter! Your girls look precious! I love the post with E playing chubby bunny-hilarious!

Carley said...

i love the pics!! and i love your 91 year old aunt and mamaw's baptism discussion. HA!!!