Sunday, May 24, 2009

Last violin recital and Relay Day

O has taken violin for 2 years now. It's been incredibly rewarding, yet incredibly challenging. Violin is truly a tough instrument to master. However, O has really matured while playing it, and it has given her a great foundation of music theory, and developed her musical ear in amazing ways. Because she's outgrown her current violin, we've decided to give up the violin for now, and pick up piano. We may revisit it in later years, but no matter what, we will never regret the lessons learned from learning this amazing instrument!

This is a pic of O and her friend Merritt who played piano in the recital.

O and her very special teacher, and friend of mine, Mrs. Tricia. O was always motivated to do her best for Mrs. Tricia!
O's last day of school was Wednesday. Truthfully, I let her play hooky on Thursday and Friday since all they seemed to be doing was playing outside and watching movies. I figured she could do that at my house, and with better supervision! Relay day was great fun on Wednesday, and O played some fun games.
A hilarious picture, I think! This is O pushing a potato with her head!
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