Monday, September 8, 2008

Birds On My Hat

I just had to share this little story about E today. As many of you know, she's in her own little world much of the time. One of the things I love so much about her is her awesome imagination. She can make somethin' outta nothin'!! No kidding. I can always count on her creativity. So, in E fashion, today she was determined to refill our bird feeder. After filling the bird feeder, she wasn't satisfied that the activity was exciting enough. I think she had Disney princess visions of birds flocking to us, and feeding out of our hands (see Snow White and Cinderella for illustration). So, she heads inside, and comes back out with a glamorous black hat on her head. (Yes, Jenney, this is your long lost hat I haven't returned!) She scoops birdseed out of the bag, and sprinkles it in the top of her hat, and stands in the driveway waiting for the birds.
Priceless. Just a typical day in the life of E, I kid you not.


Heather said...

Now, there's a woman with a PLAN!! MA enjoyed soccer practice soo much!