Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Building the Ark

Wed, Sept 17 @ 11:00pm -

During the one hour drive to our first orphanage this morning, Victor D. shared his story about working with the orphanages in his local area. He is one of Ian's local contacts when working with the orphanages & internats. He has been with us all week. He is really the connection between us and a lot of these orphanages. When he walks up to a number of the places we visit and the kids come running out saying, "papa , papa". There is really no term from our language (even slang) to describe what he does here in the orphanages. He serves on his church's staff as the childrens minister, he's part social worker, he's part father, etc. But there is something from above that describes him very well - he is the hands and feet of Jesus. Healing, restoring, ministering, loving, and caring in his own way. He has taught SS in a basement when it wasn't allowed to be taught. He was handed the role of SS teacher since he had the greatest # of children. And he used that opportunity to get experience working with kids. He has taught in a railway car. He accounts for all of the money he spends all the way down to a pair of ballet shoes for a little girl. He told a funny story of the frame of mind many of these kids are in - one time in an orphanage he asked, "Why do think it took over 100 yrs to build the Ark ? A kid raised his hand and answered, "Because people kept stealing Noah's wood & supplies".
We had another grey and overcast day today. Everyone seemed to be very tired. We visited two orphanages today. The kids at both were a bit rowdy as compared to the others we have been to thus far. They were just a bit more difficult to maintain control over during the program. We are going to tweak a couple of things for tomorrow. The orphanage from this morning contained primarily those that are mentally handicapped. Had about 60-70 kids. We then came back through Kirovograd and ate at the "Potato House" - Ukraine's attempt at mexican food. I had a beef burrito if you can call it that. Definitely not Las Margaritas. We then headed back out for another hour drive in opposite direction from town. This facility had about 80-90 kids. They were looking out the windows when we drove up. When we got through they had a gym where we were able to play some volleyball, basketball, and even throw around the football. Several of the kids did not want us to leave.
Victor, the gentleman I was describing earlier, hosted us at his home for dinner tonight. We got to meet his brother Alexander, who is also active in the church and with medical missions. Alexander discussed with us his ministry. He had just gotten back from a Christian Medical Conf in Austria. Leean (sp?), who has been driving us around all week is also one of their brothers. Those three are all pretty amazing. Just the simple fact of watching them serve, hearing each of their stories and hearts is more than enough to stir the heart.
Tomorrow is our last day at the orphanages. We will actually be visiting three tomorrow. They are all very close in town so there want be much driving and is the reason we can get to that many in a day. We will also be stopping by to have Alexander give us a tour of his medical mission's facility. Kevin, told us at tonight's meeting to try and soak up as much as we can tomorrow. Pray for a good nights rest and for renewed strength as we wrap up the week tomorrow.

Good night,

- Drew