Saturday, September 13, 2008


Sat, Sept 13 @ 10:50pm -

Had another great day today. Just finished up dinner at a church member's home. We talk about southern hospitality in the South but we may have met our match in this Ukranian household. This family opened up their home and family like no other I have seen. Great food, fellowship and entertainment (their 9 year old daughter played the piano & sang for us). We are all very tired after today and feeling the effects of the long travel over here. Pray for a good night's rest. This morning went well. We were working at a school (no orphanages until Mon) in the area where a new church was just planted. We took the kids through a Bible lesson and craft. We then played some games with them. The headmaster of this school has been very receptive to the new church and let us use their facility. After lunch, we came back to the same school again. This time if the kids brought their parents back they got a surprise. So the parents that showed up met with Kevin and the church's pastor for a Bible study around the subject of parenting. We kept the kids outside and played with them during this time. I got the boys and tried to teach them our style of football. Let's just say Ole Miss or State will not be recruiting for any future prospects here. We then had kabobs for lunch. Our afternoon session was back at our host church for a youth service - singing, games and lesson. We found out right before that we would need to be prepared to sing two songs as a group. We scurried around and found two songs on Kevin's ipod. We then pulled sort of a "Milli Vanilli" with the ipod playing in the background. We had two youth make decisions for Christ tonight. So He can work through bad singing. Let's also hope that isn't their only taste of live american singing. Gotta get some sleep. I am preaching at one church in morning and Daniel at the other. We will be at churches all day and doing a lot of eating I imagine also. - Drew