Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Most Unusual Feast

"The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing." Psalm 145:15-16

This is today's scripture passage, and it is very fitting of our evening. I feel so full, in many stomach, my home, my soul...
Drew is traveling to the Ukraine next week for 10 days to minister to orphans there. His team of 8 came over tonight, and we ate a traditional Ukrainian meal. O's old violin teacher, Tetyana, prepared all of it. It was an absolute feast!
You might wonder...even a Ukrainian meal. Well, I must admit, so did I. But as we all dug in, I think we all were pleasantly surprised. I intended on taking pictures of it all, but never got the time, so I'll run through the dishes. We began with an open-faced typed sandwich with a garlic-cottage cheese spread, salami, tomato, and grated egg. We drank a drink that's called "fruit compote." I'm not a big fan. After that, we feasted on Borscht(sp?) which is basically like beef stew with beets in it. It looked pretty gross, but tasted pretty good. It was really red because of the beets. We ate crepes stuffed with a beefy mushroom mixture(the crepes were handmade by Tetyana!), cucumber, radish, tomato, and green onion salad, and stuffed cabbage leaves. For dessert, we had a fruity thing. Wasn't that big of a fan of that, either. But you know what??I am one of the pickest eaters you'll ever meet...and I really liked most of the food! Maybe it had to do with being blessed to be among friends from different cultures and backgrounds, from learning about people/places from another part of the world. Tonight we feasted, we fellowshiped, and we shared our faith. That's what life is all about! God is not only present in our Bible Studies, and our churches, or prayer meetings...He is SO amazingly present in the sweet meals shared among friends, new and old.