Thursday, October 9, 2008


Does anyone ever feel like they're spending their daily lives trying to overcome their natural personality quirks? Let me lay it out for you. There are certain traits about me that are just ME. Some "positive" ones might be that I'm an extrovert, I'm easy to talk to, friendly, etc, etc. However, some of my negative side can be that I am naturally unorganized,(not much of a calendar keeper), slightly messy, overly opinionated, and a conversation dominator. I'm not putting myself down, friends, these are just facts. If any of you point out the fact that I have less positives listed than negatives, know that another positive of mine is that I'm humble, and wouldn't want to brag. ha.
Anyway-I love participating in all areas of my children's lives. I want to be "ALL UP IN" their business, my face in front of every adult involved in their lives. Sometimes this gets me in over my head. The PTA is one of those things. I am in charge of homeroom moms this year. I am responsible for gathering the names of those willing to be homeroom mom, then informing them of any event. Well, there is a walk-a-thon at their school tomorrow, and I was supposed to tell all homeroom moms to bring bottled water for their class. Of course, I didn't get the job done until 10:30 last night. Typical. So all day today, I"m frantically checking my email to make sure I get replies back that everyone's available, on board, etc, etc. And, as usual, not everyone's in the ballgame. If I had started a month ago like I should have, I'd have it made! But my unorganized, procrastinating self makes it tougher on me than it should. A bonus: I work well under pressure.(or that is my excuse!)
Don't you know that that's how it is to be a child of God? We have to wake up every day and decide, "I will not behave like a sinner today. I will behave like a sold-out follower of Christ, and be who He wants me to be." But I fight it, my friends, soooo, so bad. Sometimes it's just easy to be sloppy. To be our messy selves. Luckily, God is waaaay more forgiving than the PTA.


Heather said...
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Heather said...

The walk a thon sounds fun! How'd life get so busy. I tried to write this comment a minute ago but had to delete because it had bad typos! ha! :)

rtsadie said...

Greetings from Crestside Road! We miss you!

This is a great comment that I have always remembered from a Beth Moore study we did years ago - - - "You can not do a thousand things to the Glory of God".

I have learned, in my old age, that politely saying "No" sometimes brings such freedom (especially for those of us who struggle with the sin of performance). If the Holy Spirit doesn't get you, exhaustion will!

Carley said...

OOh. I love sara's comment - preaching to ME. The freakish similarities continue: I am also a friendly, outgoing but messy (probably a notch or 2 above your slightly), unorganized (i try) procrastinating mom who wants to be all up in my 3 girls' business!!!!