Monday, October 6, 2008

Questionable Moment

Went to the doctor today for E's 5 year checkup. She was pretty calm. No anxiety about the fact that she was getting shots today. I was actually feeling sad, like my baby is not a baby anymore! I guess I must face that. I remember when I took O for her 5 year, I felt like she was such a grown little girl. I hate that I rushed that for her. I wish I had realized how little she still was.
Anyway, as the doctor is doing her checkup on E, she starts asking me questions like, "does she ever get dizzy and have to sit down?" "Any trouble breathing?"(she's listening to her chest at this point.) "does she run around with plenty of energy?"
Now, some of you may think that is standard. And I will admit, this is a new doctor. I've only had 1 other 5 yr checkup, and it was with our Bham doc. But I start getting paranoid. You know how it is. In my mind I'm thinking, "what the heck is she hearing/seeing? am I about to get scary news? Is the doctor worried?" I go on and on, freaking myself out. I hold it in as long as I can, then finally say, "is something wrong? Does her color look off to you?"(E has allergies, and pretty much carries a bluish pallor underneath her eyes year-round.)
The doctor just shrugs her shoulders, and says, "no. " and acts like there's no big deal. She then checks her chart to see if we need a blood work-up (is that normal?) and sees that we've recently had one and it's normal. She sends us for a urine sample, we get our shots (E didn't scream or shed a tear! The nurse was amazed. My big girl.) and we leave.
It looks like everything is fine. But deep down in that scary place inside of me, I visited that moment. The one where you ask yourself, "am I about to go through some suffering through my child?" The Bible says that as followers of Jesus, we will have suffering. We are guaranteed it. I can't help but wonder in these moments if it's my time.
This is where faith and fear cross one another on the road of life. In those moments, we get a sharp insight as to just how much faith we really have. I'm not sure I passed the test today!